My name is Donna Phillips and I have two wonderful sons, Dylan (31-a successful Christian Hip Hop Artist-Nobigdyl) and Dustyn (25-pre-med at U of A). I attended UC Berkeley with a double major in Spanish Literature and Humanities. I began my career as a vocational counselor within the worker’s compensation industry in California until Dylan was 4. My family moved frequently, living in 7 states in 6 years. Education has always been especially important in my family, so to maintain consistency for my boys, I became a stay-at-home mom and decided to home school them. I loved teaching, so we joined two homeschool co-ops and I taught classes ranging from Latin and Spanish to Art and Music until the boys transitioned into public school. Both of them were testing at a college level before they were in high school. Both of them graduated with high honors, with one scoring in the 92nd percentile and one in the 99th percentile on the ACT. They both went on to receive full academic scholarships totaling over a quarter million dollars.

Many friends and family began to ask me to help their children with the college application process. My very first client won a full scholarship to ASU from her church after working on her essay with me. Over the next year working with friends and family, I helped the students get accepted to the honor’s programs at ASU, GCU and U of A and secure thousands of dollars of scholarships.

My passion was ignited; I spent the next year researching the college application process, investigating universities nationwide and collecting scholarship information.  I created my LLC and over the past 5 years, my clients have earned almost 5 million in financial aid, with over 80% of that being merit scholarships. (as opposed to need based) They have applied to and been accepted to all of the honors programs in Arizona, UC Berkeley, UCLA, USC, UC San Diego, Harvey Mudd, UT Austin, Baylor, Vanderbilt, UIUC, University of Chicago, UMass, UMich, MTSU, Lipscomp, FAMU, Howard, Hampton, NC A&T, NC Central, Morehouse, Duke, NC Chapel Hill, Morgan State, Georgia Tech, The Ohio State, Penn State, Case Western, Carnegie Melon, Lecom, Tufts, and so many other great universities.  My amazing students are majoring in Nursing, Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Biomedical), Computer Science, Pharmacy, Pre-Med (with concentrations in Anesthesiology, Neuroscience, Internal Medicine, and Pain Management), Music Business, Business, Psychology, Pre Law, Political Science, Sports Broadcasting, and many other fascinating majors.

I love what I do! I require my students to work hard (it’s not magic!), but the payoff is worth every minute. I would love to help your student with their educational journey!