The Unseen Battle: Micah Swafford Leydorf Debuts First Novel

The Unseen Battle: Micah Swafford Leydorf Debuts First Novel

Written by Doug Goodnough

Writing has been an evolving process for Micah Swafford Leydorf, ’95. It started as an American and European Studies double major while at Hillsdale College, to eventually using her master’s degree in journalism to serve as deputy chief of staff and longtime press secretary for an Oklahoma Congressman.

Now, the wife, mother, and “serial entrepreneur” writes “out of obedience.” Feeling called by her faith in God to write a book, Leydorf has spent the past seven years crafting, editing, revising, and finally publishing her first novel, The Unseen Battle: An Unexpected Love Story. Although a work of fiction, the book was written “to reveal the life-and-death struggle between good and evil.”

“I felt very strongly for quite a number of years that God gave me the story and called me to write it,” she said. “So I’ve had to carve out the time and the energy and the resources to make this happen. And I very much felt like it was an act of obedience in the midst of all the other things that I was doing.”

The Unseen Battle focuses on Abby, an ordinary American woman in a crumbling marriage. Told through the “letters” of demons, angels, and Abby’s journal, Leydorf said the story focuses on Abby’s transformation and the spiritual battle that is raging around her.

She said part of the book’s inspiration came from C.S. Lewis’s Screwtape Letters, which were a series of essays that were eventually combined into a book.

“It was definitely an initial inspiration for the idea of looking at things from a demon’s perspective,” she said, “and that fresh perspective and how that can help us to see our sins and actually just the ordinary events of our lives with fresh eyes.”

Part of the process was eliciting feedback from agents as well as from a critique reading group. Both helped shape the book and her development as a fiction writer.

“Everything is like a class, and you have to learn your craft,” Leydorf said. “Not only did the writing process take a while, but so did the editing and the input. You try to make sure this piece turned out the way that you ultimately wanted it, but also as something that people will want to read.”

Leydorf believes she has accomplished that, and said the early returns are promising. The book is currently for sale as sort of a “soft launch,” she said. A full launch is planned for January 2024. There are currently discussion groups about the book near her Oklahoma City home, and there are nearly a dozen similar groups forming around the country. In fact, she has sold books in 29 states and four countries.

“In some ways, this book is both a love letter and a critique of the modern American church,” she said. “So it appeals instantly to women—the protagonist—and Christians, because it’s about the church. And, of course, the fans of C.S. Lewis. But the target audience is actually even broader than that.”

Leydorf started her career in politics due in part to a college internship in Washington, D.C.  She worked for U.S. Congressman Ernest Istook (R-Okla.) for more than 10 years before marriage and children happened. She and her husband decided to leave D.C. and returned to raise a family on a 30-acre home back in her native Oklahoma. She is the mother of two high school-aged boys who are both receiving a classical education.

As one of the first American Studies majors at Hillsdale, she said her love of classical education and community started at Hillsdale College.

“Hillsdale gave me a real appreciation for a classical education,” said Leydorf, who made a recent visit back to campus. “We are big believers in that model.”

During her time in Oklahoma, she has managed rental houses, represented a designer clothing line, and served her church. Leydorf continues to write, edit, and publish, and is soon launching a podcast that will help promote her new book.

Oh, and the ending of The Unseen Battle has an interesting “twist,” Leydorf said.

“I hope churches and book clubs and Sunday school classes will get together and discuss this, because part of the message of the book is how the devil seeks to divide us and to isolate us,” she said. “We are so divided and isolated. We need community, and (The Unseen Battle) gives you a way to have community.”

“God gave me the story that he called me to put out in the world,” said Leydorf, who already is thinking about a sequel. “So I’m really excited that I’ve gotten this far. This is a big milestone.”

The Unseen Battle: An Unexpected Love Story is available on Amazon as well as at

Doug Goodnough, ’90, is Hillsdale’s director of Alumni Marketing. He enjoys connecting with fellow alumni in new and wonderful ways.



Published in December 2023


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