Charge On: Rediscovering Hillsdale's Fight Song

Charge On: Rediscovering Hillsdale's Fight Song

Written by Doug Goodnough

In my role in the Alumni Office, I occasionally get some strange requests. For example:

People looking for records of their alumni relatives who might—or might not—have graduated from Hillsdale College anytime from 1887-1899.

Or people inquiring about someone with the last name of Smith who may—or may not—have attended Hillsdale at any point in the 20th century.

Or those extreme pre-planners who want the date of Homecoming Weekend 2028.

Even alumni asking to find their brick location on the campus brick walk (actually, we can help them with that request).

However, when my trusted friend and colleague Jeff Lantis recently called and asked me, ‘What are the lyrics to Hillsdale’s fight song?’ It stopped me dead in my tracks. Fight song? Of course we have a fight song. I just can’t remember it, but I can ask my semi-trusted friend Google to find it.

Well, after a quick search, I found a YouTube video that played a version of what they called the Hillsdale College “fight song.” But the music and lyrics didn’t quite seem to match. And when I sent it over to Jeff, he responded, “These aren’t the right lyrics.”

Now, apparently we have two sets of fight song lyrics. And I am not familiar with either one. Jeff then sent me a picture of what looked to be an old songbook with the title “Marching Song of Hillsdale College” and the headline “Charge On!”

It looked legit. Finally, after some conversation and consternation from some of the folks up the hill, “Charge On!” was declared the official winner. Written by a man named Jerry H. Bilik, it apparently debuted during the 1968 football season when the “Dales” officially became the “Chargers.”

OK, we have a confirmed fight song. Now what?

Great question. Hillsdale Athletic Director John Tharp is working with College leadership to improve school spirit, and athletics will help lead the way. “Charge On!” will be played at campus athletic events, and there will be an all-College effort to help students learn and sing the fight song.

The Alumni Office will do its part, starting with this blog post. Here is your homework assignment (aka the lyrics):

Charge On! The White and the Blue, charge on, charge on,

We’re rooting for you.

Our Spirits soar like banners on high

With ev’ry score as the Hillsdale men go charging by.

Fight On, you men from the hill, fight on, fight on, with all of your will.

Let’s unite anew, come on!

Men of White and Blue, Charge On! Charge On!

March on, the White and the Blue, march on, march on,

In lines straight and true.

With Honor our standard, Justice our shield

And love within us, Hillsdale students march afield.

Sing on in chorus unite, sing on, sing on

The Blue and the White.

‘Til the unjust few are gone

Let the White and Blue march on! March on!

In the spirit of “lifelong learning,” I encourage our alumni to learn the lyrics. We will have upcoming efforts to help promote “Charge On!” to all the “White and Blue.”

By the way, if you want more on the origins of Hillsdale’s fight song, a recent Collegian article goes a bit more in-depth.

As the fight song says, Let’s unite anew, come on!

Doug Goodnough, ’90, is Hillsdale’s director of Alumni Marketing. He enjoys connecting with fellow alumni in new and wonderful ways.



Published in February 2024


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