Grateful Reflections: Hillsdale Students Give Thanks

Grateful Reflections: Hillsdale Students Give Thanks

Written by Erika Kyba

As another calendar year draws to a close, students have reflected on what Hillsdale means to them. Events like the Student Activities Board’s (SAB) annual Day of Thanks and Thanksgiving dinner encouraged us to take a moment to express gratitude.

Day of Thanks is a letter-writing event, in which students write cards to donors, professors, family, and friends, expressing thankfulness. SAB sets up several rows of tables in the Student Union, where many students take the time to sit and pen letters while sipping on hot chocolate or chai tea. Each year, the student body collectively writes thousands of letters. 

There are some students who stay for hours at the event. “That’s a really short time compared to the time and money donors have poured into the College,” said Jihye Kim, ’26. “I want to communicate a lot of things to my donors, and I want to show them that their donations are being used well, and in ways that glorify God.”

Anna Heldt, ’26, shared the same sentiment. “Writing the cards is always fun,” Anna said. “I like to share with donors my favorite class and my intended major, which is English. I also like sharing the clubs and extracurriculars that I’m involved in, and that I enjoy being a resident assistant. I make sure to tell them how I love giving back to the College, because they gave so much to the school and to me.”

Donors often write back to students with Christmas cards, or even sharing personal stories. “Last year, one of my donors wrote me this long, sweet letter telling me all about her life,” said Anna.

SAB also hosted its annual Thanksgiving dinner. Students were treated to a traditional Thanksgiving meal, and Dr. Arnn gave a speech on gratitude, expressing thankfulness for the College’s students. Conversations between friends abounded, and many students stopped to snap photos after the event.

These events give us college students the opportunity to celebrate the holiday season with our friends, while letting us reflect on what we’re most grateful for.

“I’m really, really thankful for the community here,” said Anna, “for the really deep friendships I’ve been able to build here, and for the sense that everyone here cares about you, even if they don’t know you. There’s just goodwill among everyone.”

“Being at Hillsdale, I’ve been really blessed in that I’ve had a lot of godly mentors and friends, and we’ve all been able to pursue Christ together and run this race together,” said Jihye. “Getting the opportunity to grow in my faith, be with other believers, and see God at work and also allow Him to work through me is a really great blessing.”

Putting pen to paper while gathering with fellow Hillsdale students is just a small way to say “thank you” this holiday season. As Hillsdale students, we have a deep sense of gratitude for everything we’ve been blessed by at this school: our friends, our mentors, and our education. And we wouldn’t be where we are today without those who make this incredible experience possible.

Erika Kyba, ’26, is a prospective English major from Saint Paul, MN. Outside of class, she enjoys reading the classics, watching rom coms, writing fiction, and listening to 80s music.



Published in December 2023

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