Hillsdale Parents: Dedicated to the College and its Mission

Hillsdale Parents: Dedicated to the College and its Mission

Written by Jessica Kidwell

Many parents of Hillsdale College students find ways to get involved with the College. The Fleischers, from Colorado, and the Molloys, from Virginia, have been very involved as Hillsdale parents. Their love for Hillsdale’s principles and mission in educating young minds fuels their admirable dedication to Hillsdale, its students, and continued success.

Stephen and Elisa Fleischer, parents to alumnus Michael, ’22, and current students Finnian, ’27, and John Henry, ’26, are the chairs of the Parents Association Steering Committee. Their six children have all attended a charter school associated with the Barney Charter School Initiative (BSCI), an outreach program of Hillsdale College “dedicated to the revitalization of public education through the launch and support of classical K-12 charter schools.” The Fleischers have found that “the closer we get to Hillsdale, the more we love it.”

The Fleischers first learned of Hillsdale through Imprimis, but after touring campus with their eldest son Michael, they were “unbelievably impressed.” “My son was looking at a few other schools, including the Naval Academy, but after the tour he said to me, ‘this is where I want to go,” Stephen said.

Stephen is involved with the Career Opportunities Subcommittee, helping with mock interviews before Parents Weekend, and he has also presented to one of Dr. Atra’s classes on resume building and career advice. “The real world needs Hillsdale students, and we want to help prepare them for the next step,” Stephen said. “At Hillsdale, combining the liberal arts with practical majors requires my children to learn and think critically and prepares them to be free-thinking members of society.”

Stephen explained that Hillsdale is a place where his children can be challenged and where the free exchange of ideas is supported with facts and reason. The Fleischers witnessed Michael flourish through his coursework, his fraternity, Alpha Tau Omega, and his professors, notably Drs. Whalen, Calvert, and Professor Jennings. “Chief [Associate Dean of Men Jeff Rogers] also stood out to my sons as emblematic of a strong, masculine, faith-filled man,” said Stephen.

“The Hillsdale culture and friendships stand apart from other schools,” Stephen continued. Students come from all over to pursue truth with an aspiration to become better people; Stephen noticed this in his children, especially through the faith life of students.

“Once I called my son on a Friday night to ask what he was up to, and he said he was going to go to adoration with his fraternity brothers,” Stephen recalled, shocked but very impressed that his son and his friends would spend a weekend night in this way.

Matt and Kati Molloy became familiar with Hillsdale College through Imprimis while Matt was stationed in Iceland. They have four daughters who have graduated from the College.

Stationed in Japan during their twin daughters’ junior and senior year of high school, the Molloys traveled a long way to tour different Christian colleges; among these was Hillsdale College. “The girls immediately knew they had to go there together,” Kati said.

Following their twin daughters’ graduation from Hillsdale in 2017, their two younger daughters graduated in 2018 and 2022. But Kati and Matt’s involvement as parents at Hillsdale College began much earlier. “Matt and I have hosted a Summer Send-Off Party every year since 2013, except for maybe one year,” Kati said. Matt and Kati also served on the Parents Association Steering Committee and have chaired the Parents Prayer Committee, which takes prayer requests relevant to Hillsdale College, its students, professors, staff, and families. They have participated in nine Phonathons and have offered to serve in any other way in which they can help the College. “We are big fans of Hillsdale,” Kati said. “It’s so unique that the parents can get so involved.”

Hillsdale infuses the good, true, and beautiful in its students not only academically, but also spiritually. This focus on developing the whole student—in mind and in heart—is both reassuring and gratifying to parents.

“Hillsdale really practices what it preaches,” Kati said. “It’s a very well-rounded school. The fellowship and commitment to the students, and the great connections between professors and students, are so impressive.”

Jessie Kidwell, ’24, hails from St. Louis, MO, and studies politics. Outside of the classroom, she loves to workout, watch the St. Louis Cardinals, and be with her Pi Phi sisters!


Published in October 2023

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